I saw this image on www.apple.com and had to do a follow up to see what it was about....
Lonely Planet French Phrasebook
Lonely Planet Mobile Phrasebooks – go native
Want to never be at a loss for words, no matter where you are in the world? With your iPhone, and a little help from Lonely Planet, you’ll have the local lingo licked.
Lonely Planet, the world’s leading travel company, now offers its most popular phrasebooks in downloadable audio format, specially tailored to make the most of your iPhone. Don’t just skim the surface on your next trip: with over 600 spoken (and phonetically written) phrases in each guide, you can shop, socialise and shout like a native.
Sort of amazing really, the only French image Lonely Planet could conjure up was a game of Pétanque. Not the Eiffel Tour, the Fleur de Lis or even a bereted man on a bicycle with onions around his neck, but Pétanque, how lovely.
I like how the phrase:
is situated right in between:
"I've been Assaulted" and "I've been robbed"
Detroit Petanque
....truth be told, I did actually doctor it a bit and added "HOW DO YOU PLAY PETANQUE?" in Photoshop... Sorry to both Apple© and Lonely Planet© if this is in anyway deceptive......
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