I'm not to sure whether it's the weather or the "What ever!" but Wednesday's turn out was terrible. Sometimes I wonder why I bother.. A beautiful Wednesday night and no one was around???? I don't get it, there is room for so much more. two playable Pistes in the newly enhanced stadium lights. Yet no players ventured into Brooklyn. It's the first stop on the (L) train into Brooklyn and it's the least like Brooklyn, part of Brooklyn. It's like going to the west Village for "Boule's" sake!!! Why Why Why... You Petanque Players, Why aren't you taking advantage of what we have nurtured? Washington Square is in the middle of being remodeled and manicured, Bryant Park is like playing in a parking lot, something happens, amongst the horse manure, in Central Park and yet nobody bothers to come to Brooklyn. I'm happy to be playing with any Bruce that walks along and joins in, but there are " supposedly" hundreds of Petanque players in the New York area, where are they? Not to mention that it is with great sadness that I have to inform you that Brooklyn Boule's number one Bruce (Mark) is moving to Pittsburgh in July. Does this mark the end of Brooklyn Boule? Well hopefully not but with the recent turn-out being the way it is, who knows. How the "Boule" can I form a club when everyone keeps flip flapping over where they want to play? I'm Sorry to complain and whine but I just want to bring this to the table........break bread and share the "wine"!!!
And so...... I shall be saluting my dear friend Bruce (Mark), as he ventures off to other climes, and with his strength and support continue with Brooklyn Boule as best I can. A great petanque player, vigilant student and a very best friend. You will be missed by many, yet stay warm in out hearts forever.....Boule on Brother.
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