Back in Brooklyn, after many Bruce's summer vacations away from the oaks. On a nice
coolish Wednesday eve, Bruce and I welcomed Clay to the Oaks , whom we met and played against in the Madagascar Open this year. To our amusement we played, with "Raiders of the lost Ark" screening in the back ground,
McCarren Pool overflowing with people having just heard some concert, Kids, curiously wanting to play and seemingly enjoying throwing steel balls around, (Ah to be 7 again). And the strange popping of balloons just near us, coming from a form of post concert fall-out, that I shan't go into: ( lots of young hipsters smiling, lets just say). It was nice to be back to the oddities that Our park has to offer. and play
boule under the lights until they fizzle out at 11.00, if only Nº 4 stadium light would work we'd have perfect light all night. I shall work on the Parks Department to get that turned on. Cross you fingers. As we were using the smaller Piste that needs a bit of "Round-Up©" and less badly pitched softballs flying at us. Ah Brooklyn..... I'm not looking forward to all the acorns falling, they hurt.
Soon we will be officially making Wednesday night and Sunday afternoon our playing times. And the Brooklyn
Boule will be doing a special recruitment day, with food and goodies sometime this September. In the mean while we are still looking for people to play to increase our numbers, so if you'd like to play please get in touch and let us know when you'd like to meet up.