Pictures for the New York Open. Brooklyn Boule cross the river yet again and test their skills against the New Yorkaise and other fine Players from near and far. A fine sunny weekend for Pentanque, beneath the skyscrapers and surrounded by trees. 32 teams of doubles, enjoyed two full days of intense playing, shaking hands, sharing stories and finishing off the day at the park bar for endless rounds of refreshing drinks. Hats off to all that played, and may we meet again soon......
The winners list from
La boule New YorkaiseConcours
* 1st - Hery Rakotoarivony, Xavier Thibaud
* 2nd - Mamary Couli-Baly, Juan Garcia
* 3rd - Yacob Nour, Loi Nguyen
* 4th - Mark Kindschi, Mia Kanazawa
Consolante A
* 1st - Ziggy Kessouagni, Yves Chenette
* 2nd - Amadou Thiam, Roger Roy
* 3rd - PJ Malette, Erin McTaggart
* 4th - Chester Soliz, Simon Adamsdale
Consolante B
* 1st - Steve Ginsberg, Peter Crowley
* 2nd - Eric Bertin, Jeannot Ruperti

Hopefully more pictures to come....... keep an eye on the Blog.